Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Braily!!

Braily turned 3 yesterday! She didnt understand that when someone says happy birthday to you, you say, "thank you", not "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" She also got to the cake to soon. I turned around and she could not resist. Head first into the cake. Oh well, its hers right!


Todd&Mandy said...

Your kids are SO cute!! My goodness. I love how curly her hair is! That’s how mine was when I was little.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you know how close her birthday is to my little boys. His is on the 7th. Kash is so cute and trust me keep living your life in the right direction and somebody will find you. Your a great cousin and its fun to see how the kids are growing. You could be here where there is snow and its cold!